Icon Unrolling Rotations


Icon Animation Blend Spaces without Triangulation


Icon Quaternion Weighted Average


Icon BVHView


Icon Dead Blending Node in Unreal Engine


Icon Propagating Velocities through Animation Systems


Icon Cubic Interpolation of Quaternions


Icon Dead Blending


Icon Perfect Tracking with Springs


Icon Creating Looping Animations from Motion Capture


Icon My Favourite Things


Icon Inertialization Transition Cost


Icon Scalar Velocity


Icon Tags, Ranges and Masks


Icon Fitting Code Driven Displacement


Icon atoi and Trillions of Whales


Icon SuperTrack: Motion Tracking for Physically Simulated Characters using Supervised Learning


Icon Joint Limits


Icon Code vs Data Driven Displacement


Icon Exponential Map, Angle Axis, and Angular Velocity


Icon Encoding Events for Neural Networks


Icon Visualizing Rotation Spaces


Icon Spring-It-On: The Game Developer's Spring-Roll-Call


Icon Interviewing Advice from the Other Side of the Table


Icon Saguaro


Icon Learned Motion Matching


Icon Why Can't I Reproduce Their Results?


Icon Latinendian vs Arabendian


Icon Machine Learning, Kolmogorov Complexity, and Squishy Bunnies


Icon Subspace Neural Physics: Fast Data-Driven Interactive Simulation


Icon Software for Rent


Icon Naraleian Caterpillars


Icon The Scientific Method is a Virus


Icon Local Minima, Saddle Points, and Plateaus


Icon Robust Solving of Optical Motion Capture Data by Denoising


Icon Simple Concurrency in Python


Icon The Software Thief


Icon ASCII : A Love Letter


Icon My Neural Network isn't working! What should I do?


Icon Phase-Functioned Neural Networks for Character Control


Icon 17 Line Markov Chain


Icon 14 Character Random Number Generator


Icon Simple Two Joint IK


Icon Generating Icons with Pixel Sorting


Icon Neural Network Ambient Occlusion


Icon Three Short Stories about the East Coast Main Line


Icon The New Alphabet


Icon "The Color Munifni Exists"


Icon A Deep Learning Framework For Character Motion Synthesis and Editing


Icon The Halting Problem and The Moral Arbitrator


Icon The Witness


Icon Four Seasons Crisp Omelette


Icon At the Bottom of the Elevator


Icon Tracing Functions in Python


Icon Still Things and Moving Things


Icon water.cpp


Icon Making Poetry in Piet


Icon Learning Motion Manifolds with Convolutional Autoencoders


Icon Learning an Inverse Rig Mapping for Character Animation


Icon Infinity Doesn't Exist


Icon Polyconf


Icon Raleigh


Icon The Skagerrak


Icon Printing a Stack Trace with MinGW


Icon The Border Pines


Icon You could have invented Parser Combinators


Icon Ready for the Fight


Icon Earthbound


Icon Turing Drawings


Icon Lost Child Announcement


Icon Shelter


Icon Data Science, how hard can it be?


Icon Denki Furo


Icon In Defence of the Unitype


Icon Maya Velocity Node


Icon Sandy Denny


Icon What type of Machine is the C Preprocessor?


Icon Which AI is more human?


Icon Gone Home


Icon Thoughts on Japan


Icon Can Computers Think?


Icon Counting Sheep & Infinity


Icon How Nature Builds Computers


Icon Painkillers


Icon Correct Box Sphere Intersection


Icon Avoiding Shader Conditionals


Icon Writing Portable OpenGL


Icon The Only Cable Car in Ireland


Icon Is the C Preprocessor Turing Complete?


Icon The aesthetics of code


Icon Issues with SDL on iOS and Android


Icon How I learned to stop worrying and love statistics


Icon PyMark


Icon AutoC Tools


Icon Scripting xNormal with Python


Icon Six Myths About Ray Tracing


Icon The Web Giants Will Fall


Icon PyAutoC


Icon The Pirate Song


Icon Dear Esther


Icon Unsharp Anti Aliasing


Icon The First Boy


Icon Parallel programming isn't hard, optimisation is.


Icon Skyrim


Icon Recognizing a language is solving a problem


Icon Could an animal learn to program?




Icon Pure Depth SSAO


Icon Synchronized in Python


Icon 3d Printing


Icon Real Time Graphics is Virtual Reality


Icon Painting Style Renderer


Icon A very hard problem


Icon Indie Development vs Modding


Icon Corange


Icon 3ds Max PLY Exporter


Icon A Case for the Technical Artist


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Icon Scorpions have won evolution


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Icon Subdivision Modelling


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Icon Graphics Aren't the Enemy


Icon On Being A Games Artist


Icon The Bluebird


Icon Everything2


Icon Duck Engine


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Icon Sailing Preview


Icon Exodus Village Flyover


Icon Art Reel




Icon One Cat Just Leads To Another

Ready for the Fight

Created on Oct. 30, 2014, 1:31 p.m.

I've just released the print version of my book Build Your Own Lisp. In it you can learn C and build your own programming language all in under 1000 lines of code. Check it out now!

Writing a programming book is a surprisingly personal experience. You would think that the technical aspects of the book would shield you somewhat from the fear that authors face by expressing themselves. Instead it just manifests itself in different ways. For example your programming code and style are read by hundreds and scrutinized. But more importantly your philosophy is brought into view. If you've written a book you've revealed why you program, and what you value in programming. That's important.

Almost all the feedback I got about my book was intensely positive. I got personal e-mails from people thanking me for writing my book, encouraging me and telling me how much they enjoyed it. The link hit the top of the front page for both Reddit and Hacker News. Hundreds of people still read it every day. I managed to make a little bit of money, and added a great project to my CV. There was no doubt that I'd created something of value that people appreciated a lot. In short, it hadn't been a flop.

But for a long time I still didn't feel very positive about what I'd done, and I wasn't sure why.

One late night in an act of self harm I went on the wiki of the C programming IRC channel on freenode to see what they'd had to say about my book. Now I knew this was a terrible idea. This channel is hardly known for being friendly. Generally anything other than K&R is regarded as Socratic corruption. And not checking the return value of malloc is on par with adultery. Nor do they have much concern for encouraging the next generation of C programmers. I remember witnessing a new C programmer ripped for several minutes on the channel for simply mentioning the heap and stack in their explanation. Instantly he was shot down with "implementation detail and not defined in the C standard" and told to ask his question in #unix. The channel is generally a great place to go if you want to be told you're an idiot.

So I knew their philosophy would not match mine, as I opened the wiki I was fairly sure it would be negative, and probably hurt.

"Build Your Own Lisp - Bad C and terrible rationales"

Slammed in just five words. No chance to defend myself. No examination of the positives. Just a quick dismissal.

What bugged me most was that I knew I had no chance to explain myself. In general I want to be a fighter against negativity and trolls. I can be articulate and confident so I feel I have a responsibility to engaged people who make others feel stupid or bad just to re-enforce their own self image. I've done it before, and they quickly back down, or are revealed for the bigots they really are.

So when I'd been preparing to release my book I'd been preparing for a fight. I knew I'd have to defend my concept to publishers and the public. I'd have to explain why this un-tested way of learning a language can work, and what the advantages are. Now here was someone throwing a punch, a punch so blunt it had to be philosophical, personal, and all I could do was sit down and take it. I knew any protest on the channel would be futile, and most likely lead to an impossible argument against a lot of opponents. It would not help me or my cause.

But after the initial disappointment left, I actually felt better. I'd been in my fight and I'd lost it. That had freed me to start thinking about the positives. I thought about the hundreds (thousands?) of people had read my book and presumably enjoyed it, got something out of it. I'd reached out to a whole lot of people with something interesting and they'd appreciated it and thanked me. That was why I wrote it in the first place. It was me who had made it personal, by taking ownership.

Now I'm proud of my book, and after interactions with publishers I'm proud to be self publishing (although that is a different story). I certainly haven't won every battle along the way, which is something I'm didn't want to happen, but I achieved my original goal, and I am not short of allies.

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